A Loss In Our Family
The staff at Ethical SEO Consulting is a family. Unlike most work environments all of us are friends and even have lunch together almost every day. Since we are in each others lives we care deeply about each other and today I am writing about some tragic news. One of our SEO Experts, Frank Scharnell lost his father unexpectedly yesterday. This hit our staff and culture hard. During this time we ask you to pray for Frank, Rick and Jan Scharnell during this difficult time.
How You Can Help
If you can help the family financially please donate money directly to the Scharnell Memorial Fund at http://www.gofundme.com/scharnell-memorial-fund. All proceeds will go directley to the family to help cover any funeral, medical, and other expenses that may come up during this difficult time. Proceeds from our sales will also be donated directly to the family to help them in this time of need.
Thank You
On behalf of the family we would like to thank you for your support. If you believe there is another way you can help out please contact us using the Contact Form.